08/19/2024 | 11 minute read
100+ Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather is a fun and engaging game that presents players with two challenging or amusing scenarios, asking them to choose between the two.
Types of would you rather questions:
- Would You Rather Questions for Work
- Would You Rather Questions for Students
- Would You Rather Questions for Friends
- Funny Would You Rather Questions
- Hard Would You Rather Questions

What are Would you Rather Questions?
“Would You Rather” questions come in a variety of types, each designed to provoke different levels of thought, humor, and discussion. Understanding the types can help tailor the game to different audiences and settings, making it more enjoyable and relevant.You can add them to any quiz you make or make a quiz based off these.
Some questions are light and fun, offering silly or absurd choices that are purely for laughs, perfect for a casual or playful environment. Others might be deep and philosophical, prompting participants to reflect on their values, beliefs, or life priorities, which can lead to meaningful conversations. There are also challenging and difficult questions, where both options might be equally undesirable or equally appealing, forcing players to make tough decisions that reveal their true preferences.
Would You Rather Questions for Work
- Would you rather work from home full-time or work in the office full-time?
- Would you rather have a job that requires constant teamwork or one that allows you to work independently?
- Would you rather have a job with a flexible schedule or a job with a higher salary but fixed hours?
- Would you rather always have to work under a tight deadline or have a lot of time to complete tasks but with frequent interruptions?
- Would you rather attend endless meetings or spend all day responding to emails?
- Would you rather have a boss who is very demanding but helps you grow, or a boss who is easygoing but doesn't provide much guidance?
- Would you rather be recognized for your work in public or receive a private thank you from your boss?
- Would you rather always have too much work to do or not enough work to stay busy?
- Would you rather have a job where you travel frequently or one where you stay in one place?
- Would you rather work in a fast-paced environment or a more laid-back, slow-paced one?
- Would you rather work in a big company with lots of resources or a small startup with lots of potential?
- Would you rather have a job that is mentally challenging or physically challenging?
- Would you rather have an amazing mentor but little recognition, or be recognized for your work but without guidance?
- Would you rather work in a highly structured environment or in a creative, unstructured one?
- Would you rather have a job that is routine and predictable or one that is constantly changing?
- Would you rather have more vacation time or more opportunities for career advancement?
- Would you rather be the most knowledgeable person in the room or the most charismatic?
- Would you rather get a big bonus at the end of the year or a raise in your salary?
- Would you rather have a job with a lot of variety in tasks or a job where you specialize in one thing?
- Would you rather work for a company with a great culture but low pay, or for a company with a challenging culture but high pay?
You cannot teach today the same way you did yesterday to prepare students for tomorrow. - John Dewey
Would You Rather Questions for Students
- Would you rather have a longer summer break or shorter school days throughout the year?
- Would you rather take a difficult class with a great teacher or an easy class with a boring teacher?
- Would you rather always have to do group projects or always have to do solo assignments?
- Would you rather have an extra hour of sleep in the morning or an extra hour of free time after school?
- Would you rather have a big test every week or one major project each month?
- Would you rather take a class you love with lots of homework or a class you dislike with no homework?
- Would you rather be popular in school or have a few close friends?
- Would you rather always have to present in front of the class or always have to write long essays?
- Would you rather have a great sense of humor but average grades or be serious with top grades?
- Would you rather have a strict teacher who helps you learn a lot or a fun teacher who gives easy grades?
- Would you rather study a subject you love but find difficult or a subject you dislike but find easy?
- Would you rather participate in school sports or join a school club?
- Would you rather always have the latest technology at school or always have the best school lunches?
- Would you rather take a gap year after high school or go straight to college?
- Would you rather be the best student in a difficult class or the average student in an easy class?
- Would you rather have all your classes in the morning or spread out throughout the day?
- Would you rather have a free period every day or an extra elective class?
- Would you rather never have homework again or never have exams again?
- Would you rather have to wear a school uniform or wear whatever you want but follow a dress code?
- Would you rather go on a school trip to a museum or to an amusement park?
Want to Build your own Quiz:
Would You Rather Questions for Friends
- Would you rather go on a road trip with friends or have a cozy staycation at home?
- Would you rather have a movie night or a game night with friends?
- Would you rather always have a great meal but never go out, or always eat out but have mediocre food?
- Would you rather go camping in the woods or have a beach vacation?
- Would you rather be the one to organize a party or be a guest at a party planned by someone else?
- Would you rather spend a day at an amusement park or at a spa?
- Would you rather have a huge group of friends or a few close friends?
- Would you rather have a friend who is always on time but a little boring, or one who is late but always brings excitement?
- Would you rather share a room with a friend or have your own space but never see them?
- Would you rather have a karaoke night or a dance party with friends?
- Would you rather go on a spontaneous adventure or have everything planned out in advance?
- Would you rather watch a movie marathon or binge-watch a TV series with friends?
- Would you rather host a dinner party or attend a dinner party at someone else’s house?
- Would you rather have a friend who is always optimistic or one who is always realistic?
- Would you rather go to a concert or a sports event with friends?
- Would you rather have a group chat with all your friends or spend quality time one-on-one?
- Would you rather try a new restaurant or cook a meal together at home?
- Would you rather have a friend who loves surprises or one who prefers everything to be planned out?
- Would you rather go on a weekend getaway or have a big get-together at home?
- Would you rather have a friend who’s always up for an adventure or one who’s content staying in?

Funny Would You Rather Questions
- Would you rather have to always hop like a kangaroo or waddle like a penguin?
- Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or have to wear a suit made of cheese?
- Would you rather never be able to use your phone again or always have to sing everything you say?
- Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?
- Would you rather be able to speak in rhymes or have to sing everything you say?
- Would you rather have a nose that grows like Pinocchio when you lie or ears that wiggle when you’re excited?
- Would you rather have to wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig?
- Would you rather always have a tiny, invisible hamster on your shoulder or a giant, visible parrot on your arm?
- Would you rather have a rewind button for your life or a pause button?
- Would you rather have a permanent itch on your nose or a hiccup every time you try to speak?
- Would you rather only be able to eat food with your hands or only be able to eat food with chopsticks?
- Would you rather have to do the chicken dance every time you hear music or wear a tutu everywhere you go?
- Would you rather have a head the size of a watermelon or the size of a pea?
- Would you rather always have to wear socks on your hands or mittens on your feet?
- Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
- Would you rather have to do your best dance move every time you enter a room or recite a random fact?
- Would you rather always have to use a pogo stick to get around or wear roller skates everywhere?
- Would you rather have a talking dog that insults you or a cat that always gives you compliments?
- Would you rather always have to wear a superhero costume or a pirate outfit?
- Would you rather have the ability to turn everything you touch into glitter or have everything you touch make a funny sound?

Would you rather be invisible to the world, or be read like a book?
Hard Would You Rather Questions
- Would you rather have the ability to change the past but risk altering your present, or see the future but be unable to change anything?
- Would you rather be loved by everyone but have no personal achievements, or be highly successful but disliked by most people?
- Would you rather have the power to end hunger worldwide but lose all your personal wealth, or keep your wealth and do nothing to alleviate global hunger?
- Would you rather live in a world where everyone is forced to tell the truth or one where everyone is always lying?
- Would you rather know the exact date of your death or the cause of your death?
- Would you rather be incredibly intelligent but socially awkward or emotionally intelligent but have average intellect?
- Would you rather always be slightly underdressed or slightly overdressed for every occasion?
- Would you rather save the life of someone you love but in doing so, cause harm to many others, or let your loved one die to protect the many?
- Would you rather have to live with the guilt of a major mistake you made or have to face constant public humiliation for something you didn't do?
- Would you rather achieve all your career goals but be unhappy in your personal life, or be content personally but never reach your professional aspirations?
- Would you rather be the only one who knows a major secret that could change the world or have everyone know a secret about you that you can't change?
- Would you rather always be able to control your own emotions but never influence others, or always be able to influence others' emotions but never control your own?
- Would you rather have the power to make anyone fall in love with you or to make anyone tell you the truth?
- Would you rather live in a utopia but have no freedom, or in a dystopia but with complete freedom?
- Would you rather have to confront your biggest fear daily or live in constant, but mild, discomfort?
- Would you rather be able to cure any disease but be unable to help yourself, or have unlimited resources to help yourself but never be able to help others?
- Would you rather make a significant impact on the world but never be recognized for it, or be famous for a minor achievement that has little real impact?
- Would you rather have a job that is highly fulfilling but poorly paid, or a job that is well-paying but unfulfilling?
- Would you rather be able to erase all your regrets but lose all your memories, or keep all your memories but live with your regrets?
- Would you rather always have the right answer but be unable to communicate it clearly, or always be able to communicate well but never be entirely correct?
FAQs on Would You Rather Game?
1. How many people can play “Would you Rather”?
You can play with any number of people, just take turns each coming up with a question and everyone give an answer.
2. How do I turn the Would you rather game into an assignment?
Examize can be used to generate the assignment, Just copy these Would you Rather questions and put them into a Google Doc then open up Examize and use the question type open answer to get responses and why from your students.
2. Where can I find more of these Questions?
Reddit has a great thread with a bunch of questions and you can see the result people voted for. Parade also has a list of 250 Would you Rather questions that you can also use.